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Useful Questions and Answers ( FAQ )

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Payment methods we accept

Credit Cards

We accept all Cryptocurrencies automatic in our Store.

We accept all Credit Cards over Stripe automatic in our Store.

Payment methods we accept manually


We accept PayPal manually in discord tickets.

We accept Amazon DE Germany Gift cards manually in discord tickets.


How do I know if the cheat is undetected?

U can always check the status of the cheat in the Forum. We will announce when the cheat is detected. We believe in transparency.

Where is my key located?

You can redeem your key in shop > manage purchases

Where do i check product description?

You can check product description on our website forum threads.

How do I use my product?

After the purchase, u will be able to access the loader in "Downloads" and guides and troubleshoots are written on the forum category "Guides". For any help you need feel free to contact us over discord tickets.

Do i need to put my information's for Crypto Payments?

For Crypto Payments you are not obligated to put your information's.

How do i become reseller and what benefits do i have?

You can contact us over discord ticket to become reseller. All resellers have very large benefits as money and products goes. Panel to manage they keys are also included.

Is being our reseller possible to earn a lot of money?

Definitely! We accept "Bulk" and "Key per Key" resellers. To maximize your profits you should be "Bulk" seller. Great way to start is as "Key Per Key" reseller since we are giving very generous discounts until you are able to become "Bulk" seller

What are requirements to become reseller?

You must have your own community website or discord or something similar to be accepted. Required Bulks purchases. In case you are "Key Per Key" sellers you will need to deposit 100 usd on store balance first time.

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